“Go to your favorite place with your favorite people and just sit. Laugh, play, relax. But as the Sun is setting in the sky and slipping into the horizon we should be quiet. The quiet time may last 3-5 minutes, or whatever feels comfortable. Just sit and appreciate the Sun and all of its incredible giving powers. “The World can wear all shades of yellow, red, and orange. Have fun with your clothes on Sunset Day. Be free with your spirit and wear anything that makes you feel good. “For food, celebrate the Sun's ability of creating food by bringing your favorite fruits and vegetables. Enjoy them whole, or make a drink with their juice. “The Sun sustains all physical life on Earth, but a few minutes of observation can do wonders to our emotional and mental well-being. Who knows, we might enjoy it so much that instead of Sunset Day being observed once a year we might start observing it once a week... Hey, that's a great idea! And we can call it Sunday!” ----- 5) Larry from California says, “We would celebrate the day (like in the movie V for Vendetta) that the people of this country turned off their television, got off their couches and took back the country from Bush & Co. Reenact the scene from the movie or throw tea in the harbor.” ----- 6) Dezaire from Ontario, Canada, would definitely celebrate “Not Having to Wake Up and Go to Work to See Your Boss's Face Day.” “People would celebrate that day as it would be a day that they don't have to wake up to go to work, therefore not having to see their boss's face and not have to put up with his antics. They should wake up happy, feeling free they should not have to worry and they should take that day to do whatever they want to do. “My color would be purple, and they should have any kind of decorations, food and drinks they want to have as it is their day. The song would be ‘Don't Worry, Be happy.’ “They should just be happy, use that day to start them on their path to peace, happiness and freedom.” ----- 7) Madeleine from California would like “International Unity Day. It would celebrate the unity of all beings everywhere on earth. “There would be a cease-fire to all wars if there were any going on. No death sentences could be carried out on this day. Nothing violent would be allowed. No violence on TV or screen of any kind. “There would be a designated time when all of us would spend 10 minutes of meditation on our unity with each other. “Communities would hold International Unity Day Festivals all over the world during which a grand array of a variety of foods, dance and song would be shared. “People would be asked to absolutely forgive at least one person totally in their lives and make amends on this day. There would be contests about how people did this and the winners would be celebrating for forgiving and getting along from now on.” ----- 8) Helena from Saskatchewan would have, “Honour Birth Mothers Day!” There are special gifts and cards for almost every type of mother under the sun -- grandmothers, foster mothers, single mothers, etc., etc., etc., but year after year Mother's Day goes by with nary a word said about those brave souls who had the courage and foresight to offer their babies for adoption, recognizing, for example, that a loving two-parent family would be a better home than a single struggling teen. There are also thousands of older women silently hurting at having been hustled away to an out-of-town relative's to go through pregnancy and birth before returning back home childless. All these women deserve respect and recognition, not shameful silence.” ----- 9) Danielle from Michigan would celebrate “Human Freedom. This holiday should be about being born free as an individual with right to better your self, expand your horizons and do what you dream. This holiday would celebrate breaking the chains of the 40 hour work week in mind-numbing, dull, soul killing jobs, senseless consumerism and over-stimuli of your senses (basically done by media). And a special note: this holiday should be celebrated everyday!” She says this holiday should be celebrated doing “Whatever you want, however you want as long as you break the chains that don’t let you be free.” ----- 10) Lee from Minnesota wants to see a “National Misgivings Day, and I'd have it near to Thanksgiving Day, to help people be temperate in their celebration, given the multitude of scam artists presently working the public to take some kind of advantage.” He would “Have people nominate the politicians, TV evangelists, news gossips and a multitude of others who "interpret" happenings, as if no one is smart enough to come to their own conclusions and think for themselves. Then we could publish the list in a monthly periodical with the title SHUT UP MAGAZINE. “The holiday’s colors would be black & white, to celebrate the kind of thinking we are calling attention to. The film to be shown would be ‘Brewster’s Millions’ in which Richard Pryor encourages people to vote for ‘None of the above’ and people should consume copious amounts of their favorite beverage while they still can! “I'M REALLY NOT A CURMUDGEONLY CYNIC, BUT I DO HAVE A HEALTHY SKEPTICISM ABOUT WHAT SOME PEOPLE TRY TO TELL US!” ----- 11) Hilda from Maryland wants a “______'s KIDS’ DAY (fill in the blank with the parent/s name/s.) “I believe there is a Children's day or something like that,” she says. “But I'd like to see each of us dedicate a day to our kids. I know I don't say I love you to my kids as often as I should. Many of us have fallen into the "I give them everything and they should know I love them" ditch. But do they really know? Do our actions really show them how much we care? “I would like people to take that day off and do whatever their kids would enjoy; something that would propel them to say "that was an awesome day!" A day they'd talk about with a smile on their faces. My holiday's colors would be a combination of the favorite color/s of the kids (like balloons of three colors since I have three kids). Everything would be of the kids picking! Colors, food, you name it! Even the music!” ----- 12) Judi from Michigan likes the idea of “Healthy Foods Day or Green Foods Day.” It would celebrate the way foods were meant to be grown and eaten. Families, churches, companies, clubs, etc, could eat and prepare healthy foods and only eat whole, unprocessed foods grown and raised without chemicals, preservatives, or anything else that was not in the food in nature.
“In her holiday people would “Have a lunch or an outing or a gathering where everyone or a designated party prepare or buy foods that are eco-friendly. For instance veggies and fruits that are organically grown. Grass fed meat, free range poultry, nothing microwaved or processed in a way that it would compromise any of the taste or nutritional value. “Start to educate people on how easy it is to prepare these types of foods. Have contests, have a 'Food Parade', awards for the easiest and/or most nutritious and environmentally friendly recipes. Have menus at schools on that day, let children choose a menu and prepare it for them. Show everyone how Big Agriculture is destroying our health by current farming methods. Show how sustainable, community based agriculture, helps save lives and enriches our communities. Educate people on how and where they can purchase, grow and eat healthier. “I could go on and on and on. Have more 'community type gardening'. Form 'clubs' or organizations that only sell, buy and grow grass fed beef and free range poultry. Teach people how eating healthier holds disease processes at bay or reverses diseases. Teach medical communities by holding seminars or food fests, and educating them on healthy foods. I am about to receive certification in nutrition. This is what I plan on doing. Starting with one person at a time.” ----- 13) Fred from North Carolina wants a holiday called HOMO (acronym for Heart Open /Mind Open) and the name describes what it celebrates. For anyone unwilling to accept this name it could also be called OMAH (Open Mind and Heart). It would be celebrated the first day of each month and recalled the rest of the month whenever a closed heart or mind is encountered. He says it would “Manifest GRATITUDE and COMPASSION to the fullest extent of which you are capable.” The color representing the holiday would be “Bright Sunshine. Decorations are fresh flowers. Food is mangoes, papaya, guanabana, pineapple, bananas and grapes. Drink is pure water. Song is your personal favorite love song or anything by Mozart. Film is ‘Strictly Ballroom.’” ----- 14) Duchess from Georgia GA would celebrate “International Do Unto Others Day. It would celebrate the goodness that is in all people - albeit a bit hidden in some people. Why? To point out the importance of the 11th Commandment and to show people what a difference it can make if everyone celebrated this day. “I want people to be good to each other. To lend a helping hand. To volunteer in little things (picking up a dropped item) and in big things (tutoring a child). Colors would be bright and cheerful, mostly bright pink and bright yellow. White daisies with yellow centers would be the representative flower. Maybe I'd encourage people to do something nice for someone or some animal for every petal on a daisy. Food would be shared. We would only eat food served in communalfamily-style dishes. People at work would have a pot-luck meal. It would be in the Spring to celebrate new beginnings to a new way to live life. “People would help each other clean their yards of dead plants, trim bushes, and plant new flowers. Songs: ‘You are the Sunshine of My Life’ and ‘This Little Light of Mine.’ Slogan would be ‘Let's Just Do It - Practice Random Acts of Kindness.’ Movie would be ‘Pay It Forward.’ Symbol would be a multi-colored, rainbow colored daisy chain to celebrate our dependence on each other no matter what color we are.” ------ 15) Judi from Texas would celebrate “National Adopted Mother's Day and National Adopted Father's Day (have to have both to be fair.) OR ... simply just have a joint “National Adopted Parents Day.” As far as actions, I would simply want people to take a moment to acknowledge and think about the people who adopt children. “TV shows that promote reunions of biological parents with the children they gave up actually bother me, because the adopted parent is usually left out in the cold. This seems unfair and somewhat disrespectful, and it makes me sad to see it, which is why I feel this holiday would be worthwhile. “As far as decorations, etc., I don't think it would matter too much, anything festive would do. I would want the holiday colors to be green, which is a color that means 'life' to me. This color is significant because it makes me think of how important it is to take the 'life' of a child into your heart and home.” ----- 16) Eileen from Jalisco, Mexico, would celebrate “International Appreciation Day” in which everyone would acknowledge his-her appreciation of the big and especially the small things that others do for us every day to the people who do them. Out loud. The little kindnesses which make us smile, etc. I think if we all stopped and did that, the world wide vibe would be amazing. “I would want people to stop and acknowledge the little things in particular and tell people how much they are appreciated. As to colors, perhaps a rainbow, if it isn’t too corny. Decorations -- whatever you would like, but definitely food, of the organic and very freshSort, and drink of your favorite type, in moderation, of course. I´m sure there are songs and films that have touched on this, but at the moment I can´t think of them.” ----- 17) Holly from Colorado would celebrate “Happy Day!” “It would simply celebrate happiness, and share it; it would remind people that there is something to be happy about in life and maybe for a day, help them focus away from the unhappy stuff in life.” “Everyone would list some thing(s) that make them happy at that time in their lives, and share it with family, friends. The smiley face would have to be the main symbol/decoration for this Happy Day holiday! Smiley face stickers on everything--the grocery items, the newspaper, Bright colors, candles, flowers, etc for decorations. Happy Meals (NOT related to fast food!) determined by each person/family as their special meal(s) that day, along w/ songs/movies/activities that make THEM Happy. This includes reaching out to others and sharing their happiness if they choose.” ------ 18) Lori from Georgia would celebrate “Personality Graffiti Day. “It is a day of celebrating the art of being "real"- being who YOU are and not a cookie cutter rendition. We would hold a ceremony of creativity where everyone makes or does something that is totally abstract or something that is totally "them.” Those that are creative cooks would prepare all kinds of festive foods. The colors would be very individual.” ----- 19) Jenny from Ohio would celebrate “National Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Day. I would like to see this holiday because there are so many dogs in shelters who need a good home.
I would like to see people who are thinking about buying a dog go to a shelter to adopt their dog rather than buying a dog from a breeder or a store. I think good colors for this holiday would be white, brown and black because those are colors that you usually find on dogs. ----- 20) “Life” from Oregon wants a “National End of Income Tax Day.This is pretty self-explanatory. It would celebrate value of your workday, a move back to recognition of our constitution, a remembrance of the American Revolution and the reason this country was formed. “This day would include a day of purchasing, celebrating ownership of 50% of their income. This day would include of celebrating that one or two incomes is enough to support a family, instead of breadwinners needing three and four jobs just to put food on the table. It would definitely be a green day because people would have some money left at the end of the month. Individual deposits into savings accounts, sizable credit card payments would all celebrate having money.” ----- 22) M. from Colorado would like a “National Aunt & Uncle Day andGreat National Aunt & Uncle Day. “I think that Aunts, Uncles and even more Great Aunts amd Uncles are relegated to the junk heap by nephews, nieces and great nephews and nieces, and yet we sometimes do more for them than anyone else while they are growing up and later get zero attention from them. She says to celebrate it would take “Just a simple call or promise to get in touch with you at least monthly and let you know they care. Visits and invitation to outings with them. Just a closer relationship. Yes, a celebration somewhat like a birthday would be great also....but I think it would never happen.” (If you know M. from Colorado’s nieces/nephews great nieces/nephews, please pass this on to them!) ------ 23) Pamela from Missouri would celebrate “Mother and Child Day.It would celebrate the love between Mothers and their children. It would be in honor of my son William Edward Henley, who was born on July 18, 1978 and died on February 17, 1997. “I would want people to take the time to spend with their children and play with them, read with them, talk with them. Really talk with them. Or, if they have lost their child, to celebrate their lives, no matter how short or long. The colors would be whatever your child loves. The decorations, whatever your child loves and United States Flags. Food and drink? Whatever your child loves. Songs? The National Anthem. My son loved the Military and was a Tanker in the Army. “I am so thankful God gave me my only son and child for 18-1/2 years.” | |||||||