The Unhappiest Age According to Global Research
(and What YOU Should Do to Buck the Odds and Be Happy)

A recently published major study analyzed data on 2 million people from cultures across the globe and found that most people feel a substantial decline in happiness and life satisfaction somewhere between age 40 and 50.

The research, carried out jointly by researchers at Dartmouth College and Warwick University, pinpoints age 44 as the unhappiest age.

It concludes that happiness is typically U-shaped across the world, with the slump in the middle-aged years and happiness peaks for those in their 20s and 70s.

But if you’re in or approaching your 40s and 50s, don’t let this news bring you (further?) down. You don’t have to be a victim to social norms, genetics, and whatever external factors are at play.

Plenty of research confirms that no matter what your age you can take action to increase and achieve happiness, and the way to do so is to keep experiencing new and transformative things.

From the famous Kahneman study in 2004 demonstrating the strong link between activities and happiness to the research of Professor Thomas Gilovich of Cornell University and Dr. Leaf Van Boven of the University of Colorado that showed it is experiential purchases versus material purchases that make people happier, DOING new things -- experiences that you enjoy, experiences that expand your heart and mind, experiences that challenge you -- is how to beat the odds.

Keeping you out of the rut that so many get into in life and instead providing you such enjoyable, transformative experiences is, of course, the mission of, which is why our FREE “Live Deeper” newsletter has one of the fastest-growing rates of subscription on the Web.

With articles like You Have Had A Far Better Day Than You Realize and How to Appreciate People You Don’t Like (And Make Your Life More Peaceful and Productive in the Process), the newsletter will help you buck the odds and be happier … even if you are 44.