Funniest Road Signs Ever - 25 More
If you haven't seen the first 25 Funniest Road Signs Ever, be sure to check those out too! Intense experiences - yes, the name of this website - are experiences large and small that transform you in some way. And laughing is one of the most immediately transformative of all! Subscribe to the free newsletter right now and get the new book The 23 Most Powerful SECRETS to Be Happy, FREE INSTANTLY. (It contains the jokes that were voted the world's funniest, and much more.) And pass this page on to your friends to share in the laughter...

They were just asking for it.

Everyone loves a smart alec. Especially during rush hour.

Okay, what the?

How to really lure those customers in.

Thanks, but what is the blue stuff above it?

More from the smart alecs.

How did the Soviet Union not win the Cold War again?

An ther one j st ask ng f r it.

Down the street from the roadkill pattymelt place.

Imagine the big group of people in party hats up the road who are going to jump out and yell, "Surprise!" This sign spoiled it.

"But why wasn't there a road sign earlier to let us know that this sign advising us of an upcoming sign was coming up? What kind of place is this?"

Or both.

I smell a lawsuit.

But only at this time.

Well ... true.

Well ... true again.

I'll bet they're interesting games over there.

There IS a difference you know. I guess.

Much appreciated!

Perhaps not one of the funniest road signs, because there really are skeletons dancing all over that area. Really.

Well really, who hasn't been to a nasty buffet? At least this one is honest.

And OBEY THIS SUGGESTION: Get your FREE copy of the new book, The 23 Most Powerful Secrets to Be Happy, right now. If you like to laugh it contains the jokes voted the world's funniest ... plus a whole lot more!