The Science Behind
How The 9 Intense Experiences
Will Change Your Life

The 9 Intense Experiences is based on an extensive range of scientific studies … but of course, while that fact holds strong appeal for many, there are many others who hear terms like “science” and “studies” and wonder if the program is going to be dull and bogged down by the research.

Well, anything but!

In the words of David Riklan, founder of the world’s most popular personal growth site,

The 9 Intense Experiences by Brian Vaszily is “a very rare breed – a fresh, exciting, powerful, fun and highly effective way to break through stubborn emotional barriers like stress, self-doubt, fear and worry and finally achieve the success in your career, relationships, health, finances and more that you know you are meant to achieve.”
Being enjoyable, in fact, is actually one of the key scientific principles The 9 Intense Experiences is based on: common sense dictates, and studies confirm, that you are far more prone to do, learn and grow from experiences that are enjoyable, as you’ll read below.

Of course, The 9 Intense Experiences ultimate goal is to enable you to feel far more fulfilled, far HAPPIER, than you do today. Whether you feel miserable or reasonably happy or very happy already, there is always room for more happiness … and as you will discover it is inevitable that you’ll achieve that with The 9 Intense Experiences.

Intuitively we know that achieving greater happiness is a reason unto itself, but in the past decade or so, there has been an extensive amount of research in the area of “positive psychology,” or happiness studies, to back up why pursuing happiness is as essential as essential gets to human beings.

For example, three research psychologists led by Sonja Lubomirksy recently completed a major study (see further below) that found that, “happy individuals are successful across multiple life domains, including marriage, friendship, income, work performance and health.”

Their research and other studies have shown that pursuing happiness and being happier is CENTRAL to:

➢ Achieve success in your finances, career, relationships and more..

➢ Feel healthier, prevent disease and live longer.

➢ Avoid premature aging.

➢ Be more creative.

➢ Perform complex tasks better.

➢ Communicate more effectively AND resolve conflicts more effectively.

Other studies show that happiness also improves your sleep, your self-confidence, and even your ability to help others effectively.

With that in mind, it is also important to note that The 9 Intense Experiences is also based on three other key proven principles:

1) You discover and improve not by reading about or hearing about something, but by DOING it. The 9 Intense Experiences are called experiences for a reason … you are not going to just read about them, feel temporarily motivated, then wander right back into the same-old, same-old of your life afterward. You are going to be DOING things … eight to twelve captivating, enjoyable and easy-to-do actions PER experience, that will therefore effect change and growth at the deepest levels in you.

2) You discover and improve BEST by enjoying what they are doing, as noted above. If you LIKE what you are doing, you are far more prone to care about it, and it is far more likely to “sink into” you. People rarely become good much less great at anything if they can’t stand doing it … but if they love doing it, of course it FEELS natural and easy to delve into. And as so many satisfied listeners – and physicians, therapists, life coaches and other experts – have raved, The 9 Intense Experiences is definitely interesting and enjoyable.

3) New intense experiences are THE essential ingredient to achieving the bottom line of greater happiness … from increasing your daily energy levels, to keeping a sharp, focused and energetic mind, to achieving your biggest goals.

More specifically, various studies have shown new experiences are essential to:

➢ Achieve long-term success in relationships, finances, and career

➢ Eliminate and avoid stress, angst and worry

➢ Increase your daily energy

➢ Wipe out feeling overwhelmed, empty, restless, and frustrated with life

➢ POWERFULLY increase your creativity, mental focus and your memory

➢ Avoid premature aging—both mentally and physically by eliminating anxiety
that leads to disease (and wrinkles etc.)

With all of that in mind, to say that The 9 Intense Experiences is based on a very solid and proven foundation is of course an understatement. You can delve much deeper into some of the key research by reviewing and accessing the Key Resources in the list further below.

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For any questions, use the Contact Us form at the right or email livedeeper@intenseexperiences. com

(Some) of the Key References

Albee, G.W. (1982). Preventing psychopathology and promoting human potential. American Psychologist, 37, 1043-1050.

Alloy, L., Abramson, L., & Chiara, A. (2000). On the mechanisms by which optimism promotes positive mental and physical health. In J. Gillham (ed.) The science of optimism and hope: Research essays in honor of Martin E.P. Seligman (pp. 201-212). Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press.

Arora, Raksha & Harter, James (2008). Social time crucial to daily emotional well-being in U.S., JULY 2008.

Bandura, A. (1989). Human agency in social cognitive theory. American Psychologist, 14, 175-184.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990) Flow. New York: Harper and Row.

Cowen, E.L. (1994). The enhancement of psychological wellness: Challenges and opportunities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 22, 149-179.

Danner, D., Snowdon, D, & Friesen, W. (2001). Positive emotion in early life and longevity: findings from the nun study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 804-813.

Emmons, R. A. & Crumpler, C.A. (2000). Gratitude as a human strength: Appraising the evidence, Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 19, 56-69.

Fredrickson, B. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56, 218-226.

Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic.

Haidt, J., The Positive emotion of elevation, Prevention & Treatment, 3.

Isen, A.M. (1993). Positive affect and decision making. In M. Lewis & J.M. Haviland (Eds.), Handbook of emotions (pp. 261-277). New York: Guilford Press.

King, L.A. (2001). The health benefits of writing about life goals, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 798-807.

King, L.A. & Miner, K.N. (2000). Writing about the perceived benefits of traumatic events: Implications for physical health, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 220-230.

Lyubomirsky, S. (2001). Why are some people happier than others? The role of cognitive and motivational processes in well being. American Psychologist, 56, 239-249.

Lyubomirsky, S., King, L.A. & Diener, E. (2005). The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success. Psychological Bulletin, 131, 803-855.

Maslow, A.H. (1970). Motivation and personality (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row.

Masten, A. (2001). Ordinary magic: resilience processes in development. American Psychologist, 56, 227-238.

Myers, D.G. (2000). The funds, friends, and faith of happy people, American Psychologist, 55, 56-67.

Peterson, C. (2006). Primer in positive psychology. New York Oxford University Press.

Peterson, C. & Vaidya, R.S. (2003). Optimism as virtue and vice. In E.C. Chang & L.J.

Sanna (Eds.), Virtue, vice, and personality: The complexity of behavior (pp. 23-37). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Ryan, R. M. & Deci, E.L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being American Psychologist, 55, 68-78.

Schwartz, B., Ward, A., Monterosso, J., Lyubomirsky, S., White, K., & Lehman, D.R., Maximizing versus satisfying: Happiness is a matter of choice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, Nov 2002, 1178-1197.

Seligman, M.E.P. (2002). Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. New York: Free Press/Simon and Schuster.

Seligman, M.E.P. & Pawelski, J.O. (2003). Positive Psychology: FAQs. Psychological Inquiry. 14, 159-163.

Seligman, M.E.P., Steen, T.A., Park, N. & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive psychology progress: Empirical validation of interventions. American Psychologist, 60, 410-421.

Sternberg, R.J. (1985). Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Taylor, S.E., Kemeny, M.E., Reed, G.M., Bower, J.E. & Gruenwald, T.L. (2000). Psychological resources, positive illusions, and health. American Psychologist, 55, 99-109.

Wang JYJ, Zhou DHD, Li J, et al. (2006) Leisure activity and risk of cognitive impairment: The Chongqing aging study. Neurology 2006;66:911–913

Wilson, D.T., Meyers, J., & Gilbert, D.T. (2001). Lessons from the past: Do people learn from experience that emotional reactions are short-lived. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 821-836.


University College London (2006, August 4). Novelty Aids Learning. ScienceDaily.­ /releases/2006/08/060804084518.htm

University of Missouri-Columbia (2008, April 8). Increasing Positive Experiences Decreases Depression Symptoms In Patients With Multiple Sclerosis. ScienceDaily.­ /releases/2008/04/080408163239.htm

Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (2004, March 2). Memories Light Up The Corners Of Our Minds. ScienceDaily.­ /releases/2004/03/040302080004.htm

Cell Press (2006, August 27). Pure Novelty Spurs The Brain. ScienceDaily.­ /releases/2006/08/060826180547.htm

Association for Psychological Science (2007, August 18). Loneliness Is Bad For Your Health. ScienceDaily.­ /releases/2007/08/070817130107.htm

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